Keeping Up with the Pace of Production

Keeping Up with the Pace of Production

Today, everyone is a Content Producer.

You may think of newsrooms and movie sets when you hear the word producer. But the reality is the average person with an iPhone is producing more content today than an actual producer twenty years ago. 

For many small businesses, managing productions and media operations via spreadsheets, emails, and word docs is possible. But as the company scales, managing media operations, especially managing media assets, quickly becomes overwhelming and time-consuming. Content producers and operations teams may find workflows disjointed with information living across dispersed solutions or in multiple stakeholders’ heads. 

The media production landscape of today is more decentralized, customized, time-sensitive, language-sensitive, and dynamic than just a few years ago. Utilizing a centralized end-to-end Media Operations Platform alleviates many of those pain points. Content is moved through the entire media production chain in one platform, resulting in increased visibility and productivity, which enables content producers to do more with fewer resources. While Xytech’s Media Operations Platform has traditionally served premier media and broadcast companies, here are a few industries challenging the pace of media and broadcast production today. 

Enterprise Companies

If you’re running an enterprise organization like HubSpot, Salesforce, or LinkedIn, you’re also growing a community like HubSpot Academy, Trailhead, or LinkedIn Learning. Why? Because offering free content that educates your community in your specific niche is a proven strategy for demand generation resulting in growth. Explore any of these communities, and you will find thousands of videos from experts across all business segments. Additionally, more organizations, like AT&T Media Productions and Whirlpool are bringing their advertising in-house to control more aspects of creative production, including reducing costs and time it takes to produce content. 

Health and Wellness

While companies like Peloton aren’t new, the pandemic and the need to exercise in isolation drove a rapid increase in health and wellness content. Type “health and wellness” into the App Store, and dozens of fitness apps like Peloton and wellness apps like Headspace and Calm offer catalogs of content refreshed daily. 

Mega Churches

Attend one of Lakewood Church’s Sunday Sermons, and you may be impressed by the number who attend in person each week—about 45,000. But consider the size of the audience streaming the sermon; the number is closer to 7 million per week. In 2007 Lakewood church reported spending $30 million a year to televise its sermons. It also broadcasts to more than 100 countries worldwide, indicating localization may also be a priority in managing its productions and assets. 

Educational Institutions/eLearning

Whether utilized to highlight its educational offerings as an admissions tool, broadcast its sports programming, or offer online courses, higher education produces an astounding amount of content annually. However, non-profit organizations aren’t the only ones. For-profit organizations like Coursera, which cites 113 million learners worldwide, are revolutionizing online education by dramatically scaling the number of people with access to online education worldwide.